The very first step in better relationships in the workplace is self awareness. Awareness of your strengths and weaknesses, of capacity for growth and areas for development are all essential in knowing what works, what to change and how. Everything you do and think about begins in your brain, so knowing how you think and how that affects your decision making, your team dynamics, and leadership skills, your productivity and creativity and innovation is vital!
Of course, knowing how other people think is also vital. If you want effective teamwork and co-operation, you need to know the mind of others … you need to know about people – how they think and how they behave.
Our popular program, The Business Of People, is designed to help everyone in the organisation understand themselves, how that impacts on their relationships and how to quickly spot-the-clues of others within their team.
Know yourself, Know your colleagues, know how to modify your approach for better results.
Typical areas of focus are: thinking preferences, influence, clue-spotting, optimism, team dynamics, relationships, job/skill fit, communication, leadership and creativity.
The Business Of People workshop uses the Neethling Brain Instrument (NBI™) to identify how each individual prefers to think, how they see the world around them, and how they relate to others.