The 3 worst fears people hold about presentations are that that they will:
- go blank
- perform poorly
- make a fool of themselves.
When it comes to presentations we easily become our own judge, critic, sensor and executioner! But this shifts our attention from where it should be – on our audience – to where it shouldn’t be – on ourselves! We start to focus internally, on how we are feeling and so we speak faster, we mumble, we forget our content and do ANYTHING we can just so we can sit down and stop being the focus of attention.
Sound familiar? . . . Relax, you’re not alone.
You may have heard about the top 10 fears people hold? Coming in at number 4 is the fear of death. Number 1? Speaking in public! This means that at any given moment most people would rather die than speak in public! Perhaps the worst possible outcome would be if both happened at the same time!
So what can YOU do about your public speaking fears?
You need to:
- create an authentic speaking identity for yourself
- learn how to command a gathering of people
- enjoy speaking with them.
You need to understand how to:
- think quickly ‘on your feet’
- organise your thoughts
- quickly structure your content and ideas
- inform others
- persuade
- sell ideas
- handle tough, penetrating questions
- use the ‘Top 5’ performing skills and be ‘stagesmart’
- control the inevitable nerves, or as a colleague says “help the butterflies flap in formation”.
That’s why we run our Presentation Skills Master-Class, where you will learn all of this and more.
This highly practical and intensive workshop equips you with skills and know-how to:
- read your audience and spot the clues to how they think. Then you’ll know how to communicate with your listeners the way they like to hear …whether it’s one-to-one, to small groups, or to a large audience
- think quickly and persuasively
- package your ideas for maximum impact
- ‘perform’ on stage so you can command the room.
What you learn through participating in Presentation Skills Master-Class will give you the ability and confidence you need to:
- create an authentic speaking identity for yourself
- learn how to command a gathering of people
- enjoy speaking with them
And you’ll rid yourself of one of your top fears!